Flaking rolls

Cracking rolls

are used for milling, reaming, crushing, breaking and flaking. The resistance to wear increases the economical efficiency of the milling process. Additional advantages of high-quality rolls are longer maintenance intervals, reduced repair costs and lower energy requirement.

"The higher the quality of the roll material and the more exact the roll geometry,

the better and more even the quality of the milled material."


Impressions - Flaking rolls

Technical data

oil seed industry, animal feed production und production of cornflakes and oat flakes (cereals)

Common diameter

400 – 1,000 mm

Common roll body length

600 – 2,500 mm


static casting TR 100 – TR 120,
indefinite chill TM 100 – TM 220 (self-surfacing quality)


solid, with centre bore,
cored, peripherally drilled


made from steel – shrunk in,
through-going shaft made from steel – shrunk in,
made from steel – bolted on


cylindrically ground or ground with crown, fluted

Special features

blanks available

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